Parent By Design

“Parenting with awareness is great, IF you can remember to do it.”

— J. Lynn Earle

“If it’s not one thing, it’s your mother.”

-- Robin Williams, as Dr. Kosevich, Nine Months


When our kids are bugging us, interrupting our work, chores, tasks, and calls, we so frequently react with “not now”, “just a minute” or “would you go… (insert any task other than bothering me here).”

These tiny so consequential individual moments hold much more significance as they build into patterns.

Back to Awareness.

That’s where having inspirational artwork function as a mindful reminder can flip the script and bring us back into the present moment. Live By Design Inspirational Artwork can give parents more opportunity to respond with mindful intention, instead of reacting on auto-pilot.

This is How We Do It

Parenting is a beautiful journey. It’s also exhausting and overwhelming – all too often leading to a depressive kind of physical and emotional burn-out that only a fellow-parent could understand. Caught between trying to get through daily care-taking, the over-stimulation of tugging and screaming, and coping with the emotional roller coasters of budding personalities is enough to drive us all insane.

If we survive the day, we call that a win. But then we beat ourselves up with “mom guilt” for not being more attentive, or more understanding, more patient, more involved, more this, that and everything in-between.

As a working from home mom of two young boys, I GET the struggle of trying to manage my career, my home, my family, dog and self-care. I’ve been studying personal development and mindfulness practices for years and still, auto-pilot gets the best of me. I thought, “if only we had a glaring reminder right in our face to help remind us to stay present in those moments of absolute chaos”…

Well, now we do.

That’s why I’m so proud to announce the launch of Parent by Design as part of the Live by Design family. A series of artwork I’ve developed specifically for parents, to help them remember the things they already know to do, but struggle to execute.

I keep mine in my kitchen, where I spend the most time with my boys to help extend my patience. Almost immediately I saw positive shifts in their behavior.

It is my hope that if parents all over the world can start improving just a few small interactions with their kids, those kids will grow to be just a little more fulfilled as adults, which will give them a leg up in their careers and relationships, causing a beautiful ripple effect of healthy awareness and love.

Explore the Parent by Design selection now. And if you don’t see the exact thing you’re looking for, inquire about having a personalized inspirational artwork tailored specifically for your family.

“Parenting with awareness is great,
IF you can remember to do it.”

— J. Lynn Earle